Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It`s Over!!!

Yeah!!!!!!!! Survived yet another fucking Mother`s Day. How was your experience?? Mine, another typical day, kids fucking spilling shit everywhere, sons/daughters/husbands pissed that they "didn`t know they needed reservations" and causing mild scenes to cover up for their stupidity.

"What do you mean you don`t have specials for Mother`s Day" one table asked me. Before I tell you what I said, let me tell you, this question came at the tail end of my 8 hour shift and needless to say my level of patience and tolerance were questionable at best. My reply was, "it isn`t our responsibility to make Mother`s Day special"..................................fucking ouch, after those words left my mouth I began to shudder at the thought of having to begin a search for another job when the guest complained to my owner.

But fear not, truth is, as we all know, like Valentine`s Day, for many, Mother`s Day is a day of amends for those whom have neglected their poor, dear, Tapioca Pudding loving Mother`s and indeed, tis not my problem or issue that their Mother has been treated poorly.

Needless to say, I went home, called my Mother, made sure she received my card, wished her another Happy Mother`s Day wish, simple as that. Do the right fucking thing 365 days a year folks, and you won`t look like such assholes when your scrambling around looking for somewhere to take dear Mum without reservations.

Next up........................let`s talk tipping...............or lack thereof


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